NFT for Art

Non-fungible tokens / unique digital art


Through my work, I hope to share my pain with the world, inspire other nurses to face their trauma and burnout, and hopefully explain the fundamentals of good NFTs to flip, and why this is so important to me. After all, the other nurse artists I know (which is very few!) hope to have their artwork recognized and respected, then to have the value of it soar.


To have other people see beauty and an honest story in my NFT for art, and to have that recognition be translated into tangible, real-world value, is life changing. I dream of being an artist who can support herself through her expression. There is a saying (that I wish I could find and properly quote) about science being the only way to understand the world but art and humanities being the only way to survive in it. If you know the quote I’m talking about, please send me a message because I would love to get it right and also credit the author.